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Team Elite Taekwon-Do London

Team Elite Taekwon-Do England

At Elite Taekwon-Do England, our sessions cover many areas to benefit everyone. 
Call us on 07944 145 145
for classes in Wembley, Kensington and many other areas.

About Elite Taekwon-Do England

Elite Taekwon-Do England was founded on 8th September 2007 by Mr Neil M – VI Degree. Mr M originally started training in Taekwon-Do in 1982 but left the UK to continue his education in the US, during which time he trained in Boxing and Kickboxing. Mr M continued his Taekwon-Do training from 2002 and went on to gain his VI degree black belt in September 2022. Through the years, Mr M has won numerous medals in both patterns and sparring at National level. He has gone on to coach and train many of his own students who have also succeeded at performing fantastically at National level competitions and a few have also gone on to become World Champions.
Throughout his career, Mr M has displayed vast knowledge and understanding in dealing with global sporting events. Mr M went on to play a pivotal role as a London Ambassador and Games Maker in the London 2012 Olympics where he managed a team to welcome many of the visitors from around the world attending the Games and he also met and helped many Olympic athletes and VIP’s. He also worked with some of the Paralympian athletes, who displayed unrivalled skill and determination, which he highlighted as his all time peak of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Mr M also worked with Saracens Rugby Club, working with the players and staff throughout 2014/15. This was an insightful experience for him, working alongside world renowned professional Rugby players.
Elite Taekwon-Do England has grown from strength to strength since its launch with various locations across England. Throughout the years, we have built a dedicated team of instructors that provide guidance, coaching and support to all of our students, continuously working towards improving their standards and skills.
Our goal is to cater for all our student’s needs, to build on their strengths and weaknesses, make them more confident, disciplined and most of all, as our logo states, “Fighting Fit For Life!”
At Elite Taekwon-Do England, we are like one huge extended family which is constantly growing. We look forward to welcoming all new students becoming part of our fantastic family which will benefit everyone in one way or another.
Onwards and upwards!
Taekwon-Do champions
One of our World Champions, Saloni, collecting her gold medal for sparring at the UITF World Championships in 2013.
Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012
Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012
Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012

Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012

Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012

Mr M meets the Korean Taekwon-Do Olympic team in 2012

Mr M greeting two Kenyan Olympic Champion long distance runners
Mr M greeting two Kenyan Olympic Champion long distance runners

Mr M greeting two Kenyan Olympic Champion long distance runners

Mr M greeting two Kenyan Olympic Champion long distance runners

Mr M greeting two Kenyan Olympic Champion long distance runners

Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team
Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team
Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team

Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team

Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team

Mr M taking time out with the Brazilian Paralympic team

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